Send Page by Mail: Altering Mail Subject Line?

Hi everyone,

If I send a mail using the “…” menu / “Send Page as Mail”, the resulting mail has a completly nondescriptive subject line:

Gunter hat eine Seite mit Ihnen geteilt

(i.e. “Gunter shared a page with you”)

Is there any way to modify the mail subject to include the page title (and maybe a wiki instance name - can’t even remember at the moment if there is such a thing…)



Hi Gunter,

The template used for that feature is located in page XWiki.SharePage: it has several Mail objects attached, with a “subject” property in several languages. You should be able to edit the German version and customize it.


Great, works, thanks! That was easy. :smiley:

Now that I know the names, I also easily found , which I missed before.