$services.xml.unescape doesn't work anymore on xwiki 9.11.2

It seem that services.xml.unescape working anymore on xwiki 9.11.2.
My custom velocity apps use it to store some custom user fields in a forms.

Here a piece of code to test it:

#set ($AuteurLong=$xwiki.getUserName($xcontext.user,"$first_name ${last_name}${SpanServAuteur}${company}</span>", true))
## Fine:
#set ($AuteurLong=$services.xml.unescape($AuteurLong))
## KO :

It’s working fine on, 8.4.5 and 8.4.6 xwiki version.

public static String unescape(Object content)

Unescape encoded special XML characters. Only >, < &, " and ' are unescaped, since they are the only ones that affect the resulting markup.


Thxs for any help

Pascal B

What issue do you have exactly ?

I see unescape is still here on xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-xml/xwiki-platform-xml-script/src/main/java/org/xwiki/xml/script/XMLScriptService.java at master · xwiki/xwiki-platform · GitHub and does not seems to have changed in a long time.

Actually I know what’s wrong. Looks like that module is not embedded by default anymore (because no other module had it as a dependency). Probably since 9.5.

Fixing that. Loading...

ok thxs.
Do you know if I can manually add it on my 9.11.2 version? ie copying xwiki-platform-xml-script-8.4.6.jar ?

Yes. You could also install it as extension but since it will be part of 9.11.4 probably better to put it in the WAR.

But don’t put the 8.4.6 one, better download the right version on Index of /releases/org/xwiki/platform/xwiki-platform-xml-script.

k ty, then I will wait 9.11.4 subdirectory on Index of /releases/org/xwiki/platform/xwiki-platform-xml-script

I meant you should use the one corresponding to your version. The only bug here is that the module is not embedded, there was nothing to fix in the module itself so you can safely use the 9.11.2 one.

Ok I get it … now! :smiley:
thanks you