Set custom theme for user

Hello, does the user have a way to set their own color theme from the list of available themes? For example a dark theme.

I mean this select color theme, but for different users different themes

The concept of color theme coming from the user profile does exist according to xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-flamingo/xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin/xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin-resources/src/main/resources/flamingo/colorThemeInit.vm at master · xwiki/xwiki-platform · GitHub but indeed there does not seem to be anything in the user profile UI to set it.

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Thank you. Does exists any other way to set it, may be from special api request or another?

In short the code expect to find the reference of the color theme document as value of a “colorTheme” property in the XWiki.XWikiUsers object located in the user profile document.

  • since currently no such property exist you would also need to add it to the XWiki.XWikiUsers class (a property of type string)
  • then you can use the object editor on a user profile to set the reference of the color theme
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Cool! Thank you so much! it’s very simple to do and its work!

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