Share main skin with subwikis

Hi XWiki Community,

I use a global theme with all subwikis and it is working properly.
But how to share a skin in the main wiki with subwikis?
The selector in the subwiki does not enable to select something outside the current subwiki.

PS : If the selector is empty, it takes the default skin and not the main wiki skin.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best Regards,

Hi Luc,

if you browse to “Adminstration | Look&Feel | Themes”, there should be a possibiltiy to use local and global themes.

At least our wiki provides this feature, but we are currently using a beta version (16.7.1)

Hope this helps.


Hi @Roland,

Yes I already share the same theme but I am now facing the problem of sharing the skin:

Currently (running XWiki 15.10.8), I am not able to select a skin of the main wiki.


Hi @LucD,

Currently, this feature is not supported. I’ve opened XWIKI-22617 to track it.
In the meantime, you can make the skin available by importing it from the main wiki to the subwiki.

Hope it helps,

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Hi @acotiuga,

Thank you for your action!
Hope it will be implemented at some point!
