Show more pages in the navigation tree

I want to show more pages in the navigation tree (Xwiki 9.7) .
So far I have not found the place where I can configure this.

First question 1:
Where can I configure how many entries are shown in the navigation tree?

Second question:
Lets say I have thousand nested pages and I want to show the names of a some directly (but not continously) and for the others just with a link (more…).
Is there I way to specify showing the first 5 of the pages with the names 000-099 then the first 5 of 100-199, the first 5 of 200-299 and so on?

See the limit parameter of the Document Tree macro that is used on the Navigation Panel. You can edit the panel and set the value of this parameter.

What I was looking for was (Xwiki 9.7):
Here you can change the behavior by editing the page and adding additional attributes to documentTree.

Here an example for showing at least 50 entries (pages) with limit=“50” which is more than the default value 15.

## Escape special characters in macro parameter values.
#set ($openToDoc = $doc.documentReference.toString().replaceAll('([~"])', '~$1'))
{{documentTree showTranslations="false" showAttachments="false" limit="50" compact="true" openTo="document:$openToDoc" /}}