Show Tags of Page in LiveTable Column

I have a livetable showing all pages in my wiki (similar to the page index), and want to display a column with the page tags. Its not available here:

I don’t want a tagcloud or pre selected tag for filter, those are working fine.

So in regards to ${propertyName} from the doc, i tried:

{{velocity}}#set($collist = ['doc.title', 'doc.creationDate', '', '', '${tags}'])
#set($colprops = {
  'doc.title' : { 'type' : 'text' , 'size' : 30, 'link' : 'view', 'displayName' : 'Titel' },
  'doc.creationDate' : { 'type' : 'date', 'displayName' : 'Erstellt' },
  '' : { 'type' : 'date', 'displayName' : 'Geändert' },
  '' : { 'type' : 'text', 'link' : 'author' },
  '${tags}' : { 'type' : 'text'}
#set($options = { 
  'translationPrefix' : 'xe.index.',
  "tagCloud" : true,
#livetable('tb' $collist $colprops $options)

But neither ${Tags} nor $Tags works. Actually the static List Property in XWiki.TagClass is called tags, the pretty name has a Capital Later.

Is it possible to display the tags?
Thank you very much.

You just need to put the property name, without ${ and }. The ${propertyName} is just a notation used in the documentation to suggest that you need to replace it with the actual value. But you should read carefully the documentation for ${propertyName}, especially the part about className and extraParams parameters.

Damn it… Thank you, thats working, the tags are displayed.

(Unfortuantely the quick-filter of the livetable does not work an the tags, but I can live with that).