Skin extensions not executing for users who are not logged in

I have defined several skin extensions to customize the appearance of the wiki and they mostly work as expected. The one problem I’m having is that they don’t seem to be executing for users who are not logged in.

In each case, I have the “Use this extension” set to “On this wiki”, because that seems to be the most general and inclusive option.

Is there something else I need to do to ensure that the skin extensions are always being used, all the time for all users whether logged in or not?

There’s nothing to do normally. The visibility is set when saving the page and requires permissions from the saver but not from users.

If you could give us some precise steps, we could try to reproduce.

Here is one of my stylesheet skin extensions. Simply put, if I log out, the CSS code is not loaded. Not sure what else I can show you that would help; if you can think of anything specific I’ll be happy to provide it.
(this is a nice improvement on the nav panel BTW)

Could you paste the content so that I can try it out?


Here you go. Among other things, it turns this:
Into this:

.xwikipanelcontents { padding-right: 0px; }

.jstree-xwiki > .jstree-no-dots.jstree-no-icons a.jstree-anchor {
  white-space: nowrap;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  overflow: hidden;
  width: 100%;

.jstree-xwiki > .jstree-no-dots.jstree-no-icons li.jstree-node { padding-left: 10px; }

.skin-flamingo .jstree-xwiki .jstree-clicked {
  background-color: #e4e4e4;
  font-weight: bold;

Just tested it and it worked fine for me on XWiki 13.6.

Logged: logged

Not logged: notlogged

Well, I am happy to learn that it should work. Any suggestions on how to figure why it isn’t working correctly for me?

Maybe check the javascript console in your browser. Check the browser sources, verify what css is included in the sources.

We created another instance of the wiki and on the new one, the extensions seem to work for non-logged in users. Since the “broken” wiki is just a test instance, I think we’ll just write it off for now, and wait to see if the problem ever appears on our production wiki.

I can confirm. If the page on which the StyleSheetExtension object is located is not available for viewing by non-registered users, then the styles will not be loaded into other pages either. When I change the viewing rights on this page, everything works again.

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