[SOLVED] Adding Editor-Toolbar-Button -> select marked Text for macro


I’ve added a toolbar button to quickly access the code macro in the wysiwyg editor following this guide.

Code I added looks like this:

> config['xwiki-macro'] = config['xwiki-macro'] || {};
> config['xwiki-macro'].insertButtons = [
>   {
>     commandId: 'xwiki-macro-insert-code-sql',
>     macroCall: {
>       name: 'code',
>       parameters: {
>         language: "sql"
>       }
>     }
>   }
> ];

Problem is, when I mark text on the wikipage and click on the button, it doesn’t use that marked text on the macro.

For example:
If I mark “Lorem ipsum dolor” → press the standard xwiki-macro-button (not my added one) → select code-macro → then “Lorem ipsum dolor” is already filled in, when the macro popup opens.

When I do this with my button, the contents of the popup window are empty (except for language=sql).

Is there a way, I can achieve this? couldnt find a solution searching.


It’s a bug. Would be great if you can report it on Loading... . I checked the code and I know what needs to be fixed. I will release a new version in the following days so you will be able to upgrade your CKEditor Integration version from the Extension Manager in the Wiki Administration.


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Thank you very much, this would increase usability and comfort a lot :slight_smile: .

Link to Bug-Report

Fixed. I will release a new version by the end of the week.


I’ve tried to update “CKEditor Integration” to 1.33 but it throws an error:

Dependency [org.xwiki.contrib:application-ckeditor-webjar-1.33] is not compatible with core extension feature [org.xwiki.contrib:application-ckeditor-webjar/1.32] ([org.xwiki.contrib:application-ckeditor-webjar/1.32])

When I look for “CKEditor WebJar” and click on 1.33 there is no button to install. Clicking on “Source” gets me to a 404-Github page.

Am I doing something wrong?

No… unfortunately there’s a regression in 11.2 that prevents upgrading CKEditor. I just reported Loading... . See the workaround in the comments.

I updated to XWiki 11.3 today and the Editor Update & my requested “Feature” works perfectly fine now.

Thank you for your responses and the solution.

I wrote a new Macro. It has one string parameter. Its not prefilled when I call the macro with the selected text.
How can it be done?
The macro only make a specialized link with the parameter.
Thank you

ATM we support prefilling only the macro content with the selected text.

And BTW, please open a new thread instead of hijacking old threads that are solved. Thanks.