[Solved] Can not access to attachment file. Error The attachment does not exist


For some unknown reason, all of our attachment files became inaccessible. We got “Error. The attachment does not exist” when we try to access or download any file.

Our xwiki 4.1.2 is running on jboss-eap-6.0. Since everything is working well, we have not touched anything since 2014.

In the database (Oracle), all tables are there and the data seem ok. We can access to the blob content of xwikiattachment_content without problem.

There is no error in server.log.

We are lost and we need help.

Many thanks!

Pour une raison inconnue, tous nos attachements sont devenus inaccessibles (Error. The attachment does not exist).

Notre xwiki 4.1.2 roule sur un serveur jboss-eap-6.0 et comme tout marche bien, nous avons rien touché depuis 2014.

Toutes données et les tables Oracle sembent ok. Nous pouvons accéder au contenu Blob de la table xwikiattachment_content (c’est notre moyen de survie pour le moment).

Il n’y a pas d’erreur dans le log.

Nous sommes perdus et nous avons besoin d’aide.

Merci d’avance.

I reply to self.

Correction for my last post. There is error in the log:

“ERROR com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiAction - Connection aborted…”

Ok, It should give a good clue where to look for troubleshooting.

Problem Solved!

Sysadmin modified script, starting jboss-xwiki with root instead of the correct user. Xwiki can not modify-delete files in xwiki-temp folder. Delete temp folder and restart server with the correct user.