I made a page showing me a random page. This is what I have now:
## Count all articles
#set ($xwql = "where doc.creationDate > '2021-08-30' AND doc.content NOT LIKE '%NOT MIGRATED%'")
#set ($count = $services.query.xwql($xwql).count())
## == $count Seiten gefunden ==
// Because velocitys mathtool isn't working create random number with groovy and use $count as max. value
// velocity "$count" is groovy "count"
print "Zeige Seite "
randomnumber = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() % count)
print randomnumber
print " von "
print count
println " Seiten:"
## groovy "randomnumber" is velocity "$randomnumber"
## Velocity random: $randomnumber
## --- Array aller Seiten
#set ($allItems = $services.query.xwql($xwql).execute())
## randoms Seiten-Ăśberschrift als Link zur Seite
= [[$allItems[$randomnumber]]] =
## --- random Seite anzeigen ---
{{include reference="$allItems[$randomnumber]" /}}
It works but it doesn’t show the images from that random page.
Any ideas?
Regards Simpel