[SOLVED] Nested Pages are not created by template

i have a template and template provider. So far everything works fine. I can select my custom template and create a new site with it.
I added some nested pages to the template, these pages are not created when using the template.

I checked

My template provider and my template page are NOT terminal sites (i checked the template provider, i guess it does not matter here - also it is possible to create nested pages on the template site itself)
Is there anything else i am missing? How can i achieve that the whole hierarchy of my template site is created as well?

Best regards

What version of XWiki are you using? When you open the template page and look at the Information tab (at the bottom of the page) what do you see in the “Page reference” field. Also, from the template page open the More actions menu (3 vertical dots) and see whether the first viewer listed is “Children” or “Siblings”.

I am using Wiki 11.5

The field Page reference shows:Bildschirmfoto%20vom%202019-07-25%2016-46-49

The More actions menu shows:

By navigate to “Untergeordnete Seiten” i get:

Edit the template provider page and make sure it has the “Terminal Page” field set to No. I also have XWiki 11.5 and nested pages templates work fine (provided they have the “Terminal Page” field set to No).

It is set to No (“Nein”), but still not working.

If i created a page via template the check box Terminal Site (“Terminierte Seite”) is unchecked.
The attachment Site is actually created, but not the custom nested page of the template page.

We have a multi wiki enviroment. The problem occurs in one of the subwikis.
I will test a template provider and template with nested page on the main wiki. Maybe some problems with the subwiki.

I’m out of ideas. Double check the “Template to use” field of the template provider to be sure it points to the right page (the right wiki). For instance, when you hover the “Template Service” link (in the value of the “Template to use” field), does the URL end with a slash?

Note that the child pages are copied when you save the page (from edit mode).

I saved the new generated site before checking if the nested page were created.

Yes it does end with a slash - Is this correct? should it end with WebHome?

I solved my problem.
Solution: I had to edit the template provider and change to attribute of “action on creation” (AKTION BEI ERSTELLTUNG) from “edit and save” (Speichern und bearbeiten) to “edit” (Bearbeiten). After i saved my settings and created a new page via template all nested template sites were created successfully.

Nested Pages are not created from Templates if the Template Provider Setting “action on creation” is set to “save and edit”