[Solved] Old ckeditor-webjar blocks upgrade


I’ve installed Xwiki on Debian 10 as deb-package. This works fine for me the last two years.

In the last days I’ve updated from 13.9 to 14.5. I’ve started with 13.2 (I think) years ago.

But I’ve never logged in as Administrator, so I’ve never see the past upgrade dialog :frowning: Sorry.

Today I upgraded all plugins/extension I could. Only XWiki Standard Flavor for sub-wikis and User Mentions Application won’t upgrade.


On sub-wikis output I get

Resolving extension dependency [org.xwiki.contrib:application-ckeditor-ui-1.64.2] on namespace [EDVNet]
Dependency [org.xwiki.contrib:application-ckeditor-webjar-1.64.2] is incompatible with installed root extension [org.xwiki.contrib:application-ckeditor-webjar/1.53.2]

I’ve tried to update CKEditor Integration, because the other CKEditor Plugins have no upgrade button. But the error is the same:


I’ve tried to manual install the newest stable version of CKEDitor WebJar. But there is an error, that an old version is already installed:


How can I update the CKEditor, so after that I can update the other plugins?


I have to learn. In the first try the flavor upgrade wasn’t successfully and I went to the next step.
After I went again to the start page the upgrade assistant was there again. And after upgrade the standard flavor the dependencies were resolved


Thanks for this stable stack of software.