[SOLVED] Search problems on myxwiki.org


Context : I’m trying to setup search on a wiki hosted on myxwiki.org running XWiki 10.3.

Thanks for your help,

In addition, the strange search behavior reported above only occurs for “connected users” (results for guest / user not signed-in are OK :space_invader:).

Here a screen shot with the “ghost result” Strange%20search%20results%20-%20Ghost%20page

The “redirect” pages that are created when you rename/move a page are hidden so if you see them in the search results it means you have configured your user profile to see hidden pages. So it’s not related to the fact that the user is logged in or not, but to the fact that the user has configured his profile to see hidden pages or not.

To get the list of “redirect” pages you can use

$services.query.xwql('from doc.object(XWiki.RedirectClass) as redirect').execute()

Many thanks for your answer Marius because it’s exactly the origin of my problem => I restored my profile to Default (ie do not display hidden pages) and now results are OK :rofl:.

I will close this topic.

Note: I was also able to delete these ghost pages which were visible in the space index.