SQL Error: 1044, SQLState: 42000

Hi team,

I’m using XWiki 12.5 and the log will continously show the following errors. Would you please check why the errors occur and how to solve it?

Thanks in advance.

2020-07-01 10:46:42,939 [org.xwiki.rendering.async.internal.AsyncRendererJob@4a999f6b([uix, xwiki:Help.TipsPanel.WebHome, author, xwiki:XWiki.Bill, locale, zh_CN, secureDocument, xwiki:Help.TipsPanel.WebHome, 30])] WARN  o.h.e.j.s.SqlExceptionHelper   - SQL Error: 1044, SQLState: 42000 
2020-07-01 10:46:42,939 [org.xwiki.rendering.async.internal.AsyncRendererJob@4a999f6b([uix, xwiki:Help.TipsPanel.WebHome, author, xwiki:XWiki.Bill, locale, zh_CN, secureDocument, xwiki:Help.TipsPanel.WebHome, 30])] ERROR o.h.e.j.s.SqlExceptionHelper   - (conn=15) Could not select database ' http' : Access denied for user 'xwiki'@'localhost' to database ' http' 
2020-07-01 10:46:52,778 [org.xwiki.rendering.async.internal.AsyncRendererJob@ea33b10([uix, xwiki:Help.TipsPanel.WebHome, author, xwiki:XWiki.Bill, locale, zh_CN, secureDocument, xwiki:Help.TipsPanel.WebHome, 34])] WARN  o.h.e.j.s.SqlExceptionHelper   - SQL Error: 1044, SQLState: 42000 
2020-07-01 10:46:52,778 [org.xwiki.rendering.async.internal.AsyncRendererJob@ea33b10([uix, xwiki:Help.TipsPanel.WebHome, author, xwiki:XWiki.Bill, locale, zh_CN, secureDocument, xwiki:Help.TipsPanel.WebHome, 34])] ERROR o.h.e.j.s.SqlExceptionHelper   - (conn=27) Could not select database ' http' : Access denied for user 'xwiki'@'localhost' to database ' http'

Looks like a problem in the Tips Panel with some content has a URL and the wiki syntax makes the rendering believe there’s a reference to a subwiki named “http”.

I’ll check it out. Please raise a jira issue for this. And then it fails with the mentioned error because your DB is not configured properly to support creating subwikis.

What is your wiki’s language?

Note that I’ve just fixed Loading... and noticed there was a bug with the zh language translations. Could that be your language?

Yes, zh is my language.
So it will be fixed in 12.6, right?

Yes in 12.6 but you can fix it yourself too. It’s a bug done by the zh translator.

You need to edit the zh translation of Help.Translations as done here: XWIKI-17495: URLs pointing to xwiki.org should use HTTPS and not HTTP · xwiki/xwiki-platform@e87e30b · GitHub

The important part is to remove the extra spaces.

Thanks a lot.