Startpage erased without a trace while minor LTS-Upgrade 10.11.3 to 10.11.8

I edited the startpage (xwiki:main:WebHome) to help my team members to get started with XWiki and to write down some rules for corporate data and document storage some weeks ago.

After todays upgrade from XWiki 10.11.3 to 10.11.8, the content of our startpage vanished. The attachements are still there, but in the page history, there is no trace of the page before.

I stopped the container (of course with docker-compose down), removed the images and started nginx, nginx-companion, postgres 9 and xwiki up again, which in turn pulled the newer images. “lts-postgres-tomcat” and “postgres:9” should stay compatible with the data in their docker-volumes, I thought.

I had to log in as XWiki Administrator to click through the update assistant as well as to search for extension upgrades. After clearing the browser cache, the navigation and the xwiki document tree appeared again.

But our individual startpage vanished - maybe because of the extension installation [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-distribution-flavor-common/10.11.8] and/or the automatic translation which has been made during upgrade, as far as I was able to read somewhere. We use no internationalization (means: it is turned off) and use the XWiki in german language.

Is there a way to get the page back?

Thanks for the excellent work - xwiki makes me happy :wink:


I’ve had something similar to this happen to me recently and the above highlighted part makes it sound related. In my case, before the upgrade, the page had no translations, it was edited and had set default language to the language the wiki was using (other than “en”). When the upgrade came, it also brought a translation for my page, so now the default page (with my content) was not showing up, as it was replaced (“covered up”, actually) by the explicit translation that the upgrade brought. Also, since translation pages have their own history, the default page’s history was not showing up either, so it was giving the feeling that the original content “had vanished” :slight_smile:

What I had to do was to enable multilingual mode, access the page with explicit language specified in the URL (i.e. ....../Main/WebHome?language=de, in your case), delete the translated page that I was seeing and then re-access the page in view mode (i.e. simply /bin/view/Main/WebHome) which should have now fallen back to the default version of the document, which might have your content.

Give it a go, maybe you’ll manage to get back to your content.

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That’s it :slight_smile:
As you mentioned, I switched to multilingual, found my individual startpage in, simply copied the content into the clipboard, turned off multilingual again and pasted the clipboard into the startpage of our language (“language=de”).

By the way I learned how i18n has been implemented in XWiki (for the moment from an endusers view of course).

Thank you a lot!


for information I just created a ticket for this issue: Loading...
We shouldn’t leave it like that.

Thanks for reporting us the problem!

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