Stop storing notification event statuses in subwiki databases

Hi everyone,

as you might know in XWiki 12.5 we changed the main location for storing notifications from the database to Solr. So the standard components are now using Solr to retrieve and display notifications. However, we kept storing in DB notifications, to support custom extensions that might have used it.

Last week I discovered a regression related to the storage of the notification statuses in database with subwikis: by default we store the events related to subwiki in both the main DB and in the DB of the wiki the event comes from, however since 12.5 we only store the event statuses in the main DB, and not in the subwiki DB anymore.
This regression has no impact at all on XS features (which explains why I discovered it only now), it only shows scary stacktraces when the configuration eventstream.usemainstorage is set to false (which is documented as not recommended for usage with subwiki, and which is a configuration which will be removed in 16.x).

Now even if the bug doesn’t impact XS features, the database is an API: we might have had custom code or extension relying on this table. Honestly I doubt it, because the bug never been reported, and also because the info is always available in main DB with standard configuration so I doubt anyone is looking for that in subwiki DBs, if ever someone makes queries for those.

So this proposal is about closing Loading... as won’t fix (and maybe documenting the limitation, but not even sure it worth it). Note that this regression is a blocker so we should take a decision quickly so that it doesn’t impact too much the release of 16.0.0.

I’m opening this vote for 3 days until thursday the 18th.

Here’s my +1 to won’t fix the regression.



+1 as well. Thanks

So I’m closing this vote with 3 +1. I’m going to close the issue as won’t fix. Thanks.