Style a Xwiki page like in userguide area

Hello everyone,

i am new to Xwiki and have a question:

I want to add a page that looks similiar to the one on []

Especially this styled boxes would be very helpful - could somebody help me to create this?

Thank you and best regards

First, you can check the source of the page from the “More actions” button on the top right of your screenshot > Source.
This should bring you to a display of the code used to generate this page.
Once you have the source, you can read it and try to understand how to replicate a similar style and see what you want to keep or change on your page. Here is the documentation of the XWiki syntax used. If there’s still something you have trouble understanding by yourself, feel free to ask on this post about it :wink:


Have a good day,

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Hy Lucas,

THANK YOU SO MUCH - this helped me a lot :slight_smile:
Sorry for my late reply, but i was out on holidays

Best regards

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