StyleSheet and JavaScript Extension Class missing after Upgrade

I upgraded my installtion from 8 to 15.10 and noticed that the StyleSheet and JavaScript objects are not availble anymore to be added to a page.
Are they still available and there ist an error in my installation?


You can verify that the following pages exist:

  • http://<domain>/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/StyleSheetExtension
  • http://<domain>/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/JavaScriptExtension

Both pages exists. Put they are named “XWiki Ratings Class” in the page title. Both have the same name. But the StyleSheetExtension page have one more class property “Content Type”.

Can you provide a screenshot of each page, in view mode?

ok so it seems your issue is simply that these page had their title changes somehow. Could you check these pages’ history to see who changed the title?
