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XWiki Enterprise 7.3 - Documentation
I have a group and that people can not accessing the subpages.But they have access on that main page.Could you please let me know solution.
Main page (accessing)
-Page1(not accessing)
-Page2(not accessing)
WDYM by “cannot access” exactly?
Also you should the wiki’s permissions. See the documentation for permissions.
I have cloud users and auto displaying users in the Xwiki.I am giving access to the users to the particular using Group.
But user is available in that Group.
You are not allowed to view this page or perform this action.
When i try open particular page it is returning above error.
Other then group ,we need to give page level access to user to view or Edit…?
I am not understand What is the Cause…?Could you any help me…?
Do we need to give permission on subpage after mainpage …?
Please clarify.
Aim: Add user to from active directory (AD)user to Xwiki Group test.
Problem Observed: We are using TOMCAT app server push From AD to XWIKI GROUP.
When i restart The TOMCAT then only the user going to the XWiki Group.
What i should i do without restarting each time TOMCAT server add user to Xwiki Group…Is their any possibe solution…?
is that problem from XWIKI side or Tomcat…what is the solution any help.?
FYI:when i create user in AD it is available on XWIKIas independent user,not in Group.