Table of contents in exported pdf links to xwiki instead of document

I export a single page via PDF Export and in the pdf export options I tick the checkbox to also generate a table of contents.

When I save the PDF from the print dialog and open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader and click on any of the generated TOC entry I get asked to open a web address.

I would expect the TOC entries to link to the generated document instead of being hyperlinks to the web location of the heading.

The link of the first TOC entry looks sth like this:

Is this possible with xwiki? Maybe it’s just a configuration error on my side.

Are you using Firefox? You may have hit this: Loading...

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As @watery mentioned, this is a known limitation of Firefox that we can’t fix on our side. Firefox is generating the PDF, we just feed it the HTML, and the HTML has proper internal links (anchors).

I see. Thank you for mentioning it. I observe this using Firefox, yes. With Chrome it works!