TagCloud Macro is not in the list of registered macros

i am really new in Xwiki. I have installed the latest version and did all settings. After restarting tomcat8 once, my tagcloud application dissapear. When i start to add the tagcloud element on page it is error: “The “tagcloud” macro is not in the list of registered macros. Verify the spelling or contact your administrator.” appear.
As i understand, the macro dissappear. It it possible to install ir again somehow?
Have somebody a solution for me?
Thank you in advance!

Hi @xvostikk,
Welcome to XWiki!

You can reinstall the macro from Settings -> Extension Manager.

Hope that helps.

Hi @ginpachi, thanks for fast answer. I tried this, unfortunately my extensions didn’t offer the “tagcloud” or smth else like this. If i am looking for package in xwiki extensions, it is not a package for download: https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Tag%20Cloud%20Macro.

https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Tag%20Cloud%20Macro is actually just documentation and not an actual extension page but you can use “Advanced search” and enter the exact extension id and version you want to install (org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-tag-ui in that case from what I understood).

Now it’s not supposed to have been magically uninstalled so your problem is most probably something else. Do you have the page https://myhost/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/TagCloud in your wiki ?

Thomas is right. This extension is part of the core and shouldn’t have been uninstalled.

Hello @tmortagne, hm no, i haven’t had. What must be in the page?

P.S. I added this code: https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/TagCloud (View Source). Unfortunately error is the same

Since you don’t have the page, most probably you lost the application. I am not sure how that’s possible.

However if you want to import it again, I think you can.
By building the XWiki Platform - Tag - Parent POM using mvn install for xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-tag at master · xwiki/xwiki-platform · GitHub and importing it with the target xar you get.
Not sure if this will work though. You might have some other problem.

Edit: Also, copy the jar you get in \xwiki-platform-tag-api\target to your XWiki folder (\xwiki-11.5\webapps\xwiki\WEB-INF\lib) after building the parent POM with mvn install.

All in all, this solution is a little complex.

This is very old and really not the one you should use and if if this page is missing in your wiki it’s most probably not the only one.

What is your version of XWiki ? Unless it’s a very old version of XWiki could you go to Administration → Extensions and switch to “Installed Extensions”. Then check that your version of “XWiki Standard Flavor” matches the version of XWiki you installed. If that’s the case you can click on the arrow next to “Uninstall” and ask to “Compute changes” which will give indicate you everything which is not standard in your wiki compared to this flavor and allow you to easily revert it.

Hey hey,
thank you for the help!
After a “purge” night i installed my Xwiki from the beginning again and understand where was my mistake. I deleted some extensions i thought they are not relevant for me. The only what i must do: install the standard flavor and touch nothing :wink:

Thank you for the fast answers and help!