Teachers Beach wiki

We looked far and wide and settled here as the best place for our planned wiki, a family archive to curate and cultivate memories regarding the idea, house and people associated with Teachers Beach, an intergenerational retreat just north of San Francisco. Can you help us launch it? BTW love the gifting logos at this site, especially responses to difficult forum discussants: “what have you contributed”?

Owner name: SplashGordo
Wiki name: TeachersBeachWiki

Upon reflection, better
username: splashgordo
Wiki name: teachersbeach

I cannot find any account with that name registered on https://www.myxwiki.org.

Thanks for checking, sorry for sending you on a wild goose chase. I think I have now successfully synched my user forum and xwiki accounts. Could you please try again to see if you can create the teachersbeach wiki over there? Thanks again!

Much better indeed :slight_smile:

You can access your new wiki on https://teachersbeach.myxwiki.org.

Enjoy !