I’m very new to XWiki. My task is to implement a wiki within my department. Therefore, I evaluate the Options and right now I have a look at XWiki.
I tried the online demo and right now i want to gain deeper insights using the offline standalone version.
The online demo offers very beautiful templates including a table of content, etc. Unfortunately, I am not able to create a template, which creates a toc automatically. Neither am I able to insert any default content within the template. How can I do this?
Thank you very much! And please be patient and as accurate as possible.
Not really sure what is to explain. You can select one of the default templates when creating a page. You can even create your own templates.
Regarding TOC (Table of content), all 4 default provided templates have one. Just create/modify the headings and the TOC should update. You can read more about TOC documentation.
In my “Create Page” view I can only choose Blank Page or Dashboard by default. I managed to add my template there! But it doesn’t show any content I’ve just written in the template itself. Basically, the new page is a blank page. I want it to display the content I saved in the template.
I’m very sure it’s easy!
I can provide screenshots tomorrow morning, in case you are confused.