we are moving Confluence 3.4.7 to xwiki with “Filter streams converter”
After converted, we can get page, page’s title, but the content is lost.
How to resolve this issue? Is there any useful log to check this problem?
Hard to help you without:
- Logs of the errors you get
- Content to reproduce
where is the logs?
We have to process our data to the simple content later
Any errors in the logs? (tomcat logs catalina.out if you’re on tomcat)
We can not find any error about converting in catalina log
It does not go in Tomcat log but in a dedicated log (as XML) which is displayed in the UI. You can find the stored logs of conversion in <permanentdir>/jobs/status/filter/converter/
If you have the title you probably did not do anything wrong, the best would be to create an issue on Loading... with everything needed to reproduce it. Various parts of the Confluence “format” tend to change quite often and we did not tried all the possible versions.
Please check the log:
h ttps://www.dropbox.com/s/yh1ubc8mrb1hczv/status.xml?dl=0
Not error or warning in the log. The best would be to do what I suggested in previous comment so that we can debug it to understand why content is lost.