Hi! My XWiki is deploy with https use docker image(xwiki:10.4-mysql-tomcat). And When I “save and view” a page , it is error. There are the problem .
I submit a save request success , and then it request to the jobstatus, it is a https request (example : “https://xwiki.my.com/rest/jobstatus/refactoring/create/1544529172184-582?media=json”), look at the screenshot:
hey wuguokai,
Had the same issue and it was because I was running the server behind a reverse proxy - in order for it to work correctly, you need so specify some settings in your server.xml for tomcat:
I found the 8080 connector, and added these to the bottom of that configuration
After doing so, I did not receive the errors you indicated, as well as the other issues with “failed to lock the page”.