Title "NProfil de nullt" for Guest profile (myxwiki.org)


The title of the guest user profile page is “NProfil de nullt”, see: http://tutos.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/XWikiGuest.

I guess the title is computed with user first name / last name, I’ve tried to change them but it has no effect.

Thanks for your help,

This is weird because I don’t think we create any XWikiGuest user profile. So normally you shouldn’t even have a link to a profile when you’re not logged in.

IMO it’s possible that in some old versions we had a XWikiGuest by mistake and maybe when you upgraded your subwiki on myxwiki.org you kept the old page. For ex, I can see on https://massol.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/XWikiGuest that the page doesn’t exist but that it existed in 2011 and was deleted back then.

So to fix the issue, I’d simple remove this page from your wiki.

Thanks Vincent.

I also removed an other “local” user which seems to have the same behavior (strange title).