I’ve just noticed that the panel administration is translated as “Menüleisten-Assistent”. At the same time, the page says “Panel-Spalten” and the panels are translated as “Anwendungspanel” and “Navigationspanel”. As a native speaker of German I find “Menüleisten” not an appropriate translation for “panel” or “sidebar”, in particular as this clashes with the “Menü” application that allows configuring a menu bar (so a “Menüleiste”). If we want to have a real German translation I would suggest “Seitenleisten-Bereiche” but as we keep the word “Panel” in quite some places in the German translation already, I would actually be in favor of not translating “Panel”.
Any opinions? @Simpel as you’re writing most German translations, do you have any opinions on this?
Here a screenshot that shows what I’m talking about: