Translation UI vs Content

Is it possible to separate ui-translations from content-translations? And if yes, how to do that?
As an application-translator i have to do many translations in different languages on custom-buttons, descriptions, labels, names, etc (e.g. rendering-macros).
From that, i dont want to have content for each of that languages at the step of ui-translation.
Did i miss something or haven’t seen it?

Can i do those translations on-the-fly, or by hot-browser-reload (Ctrl+R),
without stopping and starting XWiki each time i edited an language or any translation string?

I have read those docs but can’t find anything about that:

Hello. Yes you can, see


Currently when viewing the wiki you cannot see the content in a language and have the UI in another language, it’s a big limitation we have a ticket for that here: Loading...

Thanks, that was my fault. I oversaw this, when struggling with the issue of switching content-languages…

I thaugt i can do translations, maybe in a single document. e.g.:

rendering.macro.<iso-lang>.<macro id>.name=Name of the macro, displayed in the macros list in the macros wizard
rendering.macro.<iso-lang>.<macro id>.description=Description of the macro, displayed as a help in the macros list in the macros wizard