Translations on supported branches

So I did give it a try, I performed the following operations:

  1. I created a category “stable-15.10.x” in Weblate for XWiki Platform
  2. I created manually a new component xwiki-oldcore-1510x to perform translations of oldcore on stable-15.10.x branch only, and I made it restricted (so it doesn’t appear to translators, and apparently it doesn’t appear even to myself in the category)
  3. I configured the Discovery addon for 15.10.x branch to automatically create all components for Java properties translations formats, reusing the configuration we already had
  4. I checked that the property for propagating translation was set to true
  5. I then performed a few translations in the components linked to master

I obtained 2 pull requests: 1 for master and 1 for 15.10.x

So, for me it proves that the idea work in general. Now I noticed one thing: apparently there’s no way (but I haven’t yet investigated much on it) to specify that the components created through discovery addon will be restricted. That’s why you can see all components under the stable-15.10.x category. Now I’m not so sure it’s really an issue, knowing that I use an explicit naming scheme to specify that it’s 15.10.x components, and that they’re not visible until you go to the category… The fact I cannot myself see the restricted component (but I can access it) is more of an issue IMO.

There’s another small problem on the long run: I can use the Discovery addons for Java properties format because the filename is standard and I can use a regex. I’m currently using also a regex for XWiki translation pages, are they’re supposed to contains “Translations” in their name and to have .xml extension. But if the Discovery addon cannot find translations not matching those names. This is a bit mitigated with the idea also proposed by @tmortagne to actually duplicate existing components for master in other branches, and checking that the file exists.

So I’d like to proceed on writing the script for creating automatically the category and components for a branch. And on the script for deleting automatically the components for a branch too. With testing those on 16.10.x and 15.10.x. WDYT?