Incomplete strings in XWiki Platform/stable-15.10.x/xwiki-oldcore-1510x

I try to translate everything into german regarding xwiki. That’s why I checked nearly all boxes for notifications in weblate.

Currently I get a daily mail with “12 incomplete strings in XWiki Platform/stable-15.10.x/xwiki-oldcore-1510x“. I guess this is because of translations on supported branches.

Following the provided link in the mail I get something like “page not found”.

Any idea how to fix this?
Regards, Simpel

Thanks for the feedback, it’s because I put this specific component to restricted as part of the experiment. I just removed the restriction, so you should be able to access it now.

This night a lot of new modules were notified by mail. I could handle them all but 3 are returning “internal server error”:

Yes I’m aware of this, I actually reported a bug to Weblate about it: Discovery addons create multiple components with same slug · Issue #13257 · WeblateOrg/weblate · GitHub

I’ll probably redo the setup entirely in coming days to avoid this… sorry for the noise in the meantime, we’re a bit experimenting here :slight_smile: