Trying to add a Tag Cloud to an existing page

We’re trying to add a tag cloud to an existing page, but only display the Tags for the page and sub-pages. Does anyone know how to format that? I’ve tried Mail.PageName, Main.Page%20Name, and ‘Page Name’, but I can’t seem to get it to display the way we want.

Hi, see

Imagine that you’re on page A.B.WebHome and you want the tags for that page + page À.B.C.WebHome`, you’d use:

{{tagcloud spaces="'A.B','A.B.C'"/}}

Note that this macro is oldish and doesn’t support nested pages which is why you need to list all subpages explicitly FTM. Would be great to open a jira to add support for nested page at

I’ve found Loading... but it seems slightly different.


Thanks, @vmassol for the fast reply.
We couldn’t get this to work with the way you were describing. We ended up changing the page to be a dashboard and it did exactly what we wanted.

ok cool then! :slight_smile: