Unable to login into what was a working wiki

Adding a data point, I fired up a clean Debian VM. Used a variant of the backup/restore procedure as described in https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Backup

Not the exact same procedure since Debian package install sets up things slightly differently.

The result unfortunately is the same. I can’t login, see the same error msg and I get a traceback.

Anyone provide some hints that might help.


OS version: Debian 10 fully updated
Xwiki version: 12.7.1
xwiki-common/stable,now 12.7.1
xwiki-mysql-common/stable,now 12.7.1
xwiki-tomcat9-common/stable,now 12.7.1
xwiki-tomcat9-mysql/stable,now 12.7.1

xwiki upgrade history

I did upgrade from 12.4 to 12.6.1 on August 29th with no issues. I upgraded from 12.6.1 to 12.7.1 after I moved the VM to my PC but the login problem persisted.


I have been running a small internal wiki for colleagues inside a Debian VirtualBox VM. Recently we have had some problems with the data centre where the physical server was located so I dumped out the VM and started running it on my desktop PC with lots of RAM and nvme SSD.

I had noticed that I was unable to login when the VM was at the data centre but I attributed that to the problems we had with the data centre. Once I moved the VM back to my PC, the problem persisted.

Symptomatically, the problem is I see a stack backtrace on the login page (attached) after the wiki went through the initialization process (0%…99%)

The login boxes are visible at the bottom of the page but the login fails as the browser fails to load the page because the server wasn’t responding.

Is this a known problem? Should I try to reinstall xwiki?

Appreciate any help anyone can provide.
traceback.txt (23.4 KB)

Took a clean Debian 10.5 VM. Installed xwiki 12.6.1 and reloaded the mariadb database and replaced the configuration from the old wiki VM. Same result as in I get a stack dump before I can even login.

This is getting very frustrating. Can anyone give me a hint please. :cold_sweat:

More data points. Installed xwiki and configured a clean Debian VM with a blank wiki. Compared the config files from /etc/xwiki and /etc/tomcat. There is very little difference between the 2 VMs (old and new or dirty and clean if you like) so I don’t think it’s a configuration issue.

Can someone help me understand why I get this error (in the attachment and also shown below) on the top of the login page. This is the login page so how can I be having permission related permission issues with looking at the license? Is my mysql DB screwed?

Failed to execute the [include] macro. Cause: [Current user [null] doesn't have view rights on document [Document xwiki:Licenses.Code.LicensesNotificationsUIX]]. Click on this message for details.

org.xwiki.rendering.macro.MacroExecutionException: Current user [null] doesn't have view rights on document [Document xwiki:Licenses.Code.LicensesNotificationsUIX]

Tried xwiki 12.8.1 same dbms, same result.

I scanned through the file Catalina.out and the main thing which sticks out to me during the initialization of xwiki was quite a few of these logs.

[2020-09-30 10:00:42] [info] 2020-09-30 10:00:42,886 [XWiki initialization] WARN  c.x.x.XWiki                    - Invalid locale [zh_CN_#Hans] listed as available in the preferences

There were also some lovely stack dumps. Null pointer exceptions. Catalina.out has been attached if this is of help to anyone.catalina.out.txt (1.2 MB)