Unable to start xwiki 16.7.0 Debian

after updating to release 16.7.0 xwiki service doesn´t start anymore on Debian 12.6. It is expected that the service is available at localhost. Instead error 503 “service unavailable” is presented by jetty 12.0.12. The service is running on OpenJDK 17 (17.0.12+7-2~deb12u1).

xwiki packages installed on Debian:
xwiki-common, xwiki-pgsql-common, xwiki-xjetty-common, xwiki-xjetty-pgsql (all 16.7.0)

Jetty log shows error with /usr/lib/xwiki/WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml configuration and class not found error, see log file.

jetty-web.xml is referring to a class org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.AllowSymLinkAliasChecker which isn´t available anymore in jetty 12.0.12. Further /etc/xwiki/xjetty-web.xml is pointing to /etc/xwiki/jetty-ee8-web.xml which doesn´t exist.

It looks that jetty 12.0.12 in package xwiki-xjetty-common needs some improvements. But I’m not a specialist in jetty so any help or hints are highly welcomed.

xwiki_16.7_jetty.log (8.4 KB)

This is the problem, but it’s strange since that was supposed to be handled. I will try to reproduce. In the meantime, you can get the missing jetty-ee8-web.xml file from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/master/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-web/xwiki-platform-web-war/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jetty-ee8-web.xml.

I just deployed a 16.7.0+1 version of the packages, which should give a better result. The stable repository index should be up-to-date by now.

Update 16.7.0+1 confirmed. Works now perfectly. Thanks for the quick response!