Update parameter in Info Macro

Is it possibile to add parameters in info macro?

I have checked macro extension. It doesn’t contain any source, may be it could be moved to core. Someone please help me out the location to make this changes in my local xwiki.

Fixed :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:


Is it possible for you to enable the title parameter in info macro. I have tired to buid the project in eclipse luna ended up with build errors.

{{info title=“xxx”}}
info content

Could you please.

Hi @prase09 There’s no title in the info macro. Maybe you’re referring to the box macro?

See http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Info%20Macro and http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Box%20Macro


I have referred both the sources(info & box) from github, they have extended BoxParameter Class in info macro for setting cssClass.

Link: xwiki-rendering/xwiki-rendering-macros/xwiki-rendering-macro-message/src/main/java/org/xwiki/rendering/internal/macro/message/AbstractMessageMacro.java at master · xwiki/xwiki-rendering · GitHub

Link: xwiki-rendering/xwiki-rendering-macros/xwiki-rendering-macro-box/src/main/java/org/xwiki/rendering/macro/box/BoxMacroParameters.java at master · xwiki/xwiki-rendering · GitHub

I think, it is possible to integrate “title” in info macro?

So basically you’re asking for a new feature to add a title to the info macro (and more generally to all message macros).

Would be nice if you could file a jira issue for this, and maybe even provide a PR for it :slight_smile:



Yes i have created an jira issue, Loading...

Thanks a lot. Seems you have looked in the source code. Maybe you could send a PR as the next step? :slight_smile:


Sorry, i couldn’t figure out what PR is.

PR = About pull requests - GitHub Docs

Basically it means providing a patch/fix for it.


:smiley: sorry, i have used the term “pull request” often than its short form. Coming to point, i have took check out of your source. But while building i was stuck with an error regarding ravapi incompatbile with maven version.

Environment: Eclipse Luna, Maven - 3.2.1

I have made an rough code, i need to ensure those. If you could help me out from overcoming those errors. It would be so helpful to provide you an PR.


I have resolved and updated the title parameter with some modifications. I’ll update the PR by today or tomorrow.