Updating the presentation of message macros

I should stop doing multiple explorations and forgetting to change back later, sorry about that, lol. Here is a version with the standard border-radius.

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 08.04.51

The values used in this card view are 2rem for paddings and the gap between elements, I also removed the box-shadow and borders on the top, right and bottom for aesthetics reasons.

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Looks good to me.

+1 for that version

+1 for the last one.

Done, see https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/pull/2590#issuecomment-1904411965

Thank you a lot @tkrieck !
Since this seems like an alternative that doesn’t raise issues, we’ll propose it soon on the PR, and it should be merged for the release 16.1.0-rc1 .

Thanks everyone for your feedback on the topic!
Setting this topic as Solved.

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