Upgrade 11.5 to 11.6.1 - Navigation Menu Missing / Distribution Wizard Did Not Run


Downgraded back to 11.5 and everything works fine.

Hmm, no reply…I guess I should create a Jira issue?


I just migrate from 10.11 to 11.6 and same effects : no more menu, macros are disabled, and no Distribution Wizard for the upgrade.

It sounds that I am not alone

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I found a part of the answer in this thread :

Now the Wizard is running, but I Got some new errors

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Same for me. Thanks god i’m not alone with this problem

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Could you tell us what did you do to get the wizard running? You deleted the solr directory?
And what are the new errors you get?


yes , here my actions (I have a Debian installation) :
1 : delete folder root@CESAP-WIKI02:/var/lib/xwiki/data/solr/xwiki/data
2 : reboot server (it recreate the folder and content)
3 : flush all caches on my browser
4 : browse on my url, and I found the Distribution Wizzard

the new error was : “Failed to retrieve extension data.Server not responding site”, there is another thread on this on the forum, but you can force the update and now , for me , everything look OK

Hope it helps

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Yes it helps! Thanks for the info. Can you tell me which database you use on your instance?

Ah actually nevermind, you upgrade from 10.11 so it’s normal that you had to remove the Solr directory.
We changed Solr in XWiki 11.4 and it’s part of the upgrade process to remove it as specified in https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/ReleaseNotes/Data/XWiki/11.4/#HIssuesspecifictoXWiki11.4. Now it’s definitely something we should improve in the future, since the info is hard to find :slight_smile:

I’m more interesting to know what happens for user who have issues when upgrading from 11.5 to 11.6.1: the deletion of Solr data shouldn’t have an impact, AFAIK.

I have a Postgres Database.

Well, mine was the same. I followed the directions provided by @SLA27, deleted the data directory. DW loaded. DW and Extension updater seem to be acting strange, but not sure just yet about that. Anyway, pages load now with navigation menu.

Updating the Jira issue now.


I have the same issue here - upgrading from 11.5 to 11.7 using ubuntu packages.

Deleting the /var/lib/xwiki/data/solr/xwiki/data (on Windows, so it’s /opt/xwiki/data/solr/xwiki/data) worked for me, except for this:

What should be deleted is the whole /var/lib/xwiki/data/solr.

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