I’m using the Docker container and had migrations enabled in the cfg file.
Is there any manual efforts that need done? I merged the cfg file changes. I started clicking through every release but don’t see any breaking changes on the few dozen releases I looked at.
How does one go about removing old extension versions? I upgraded all of the extensions that had updates and removed the incompatible extensions. However, I believe they still stay on the file system. I also do not see any new extensions available to install.
I had an email extension that had configurable settings to send out emails for updated pages however it was incompatible and I don’t see a new version. Is that functionality deprecated?
Updating to the version I went to, it went from Java 1.8 in the container to OpenJDK 11. I am getting many errors about certification paths when updating extensions however it doesn’t seem to actually effect anything? It looks like perhaps the cacerts path changed with the Java update, however importing my cert with keytool doesn’t seem to have worked since I’m still seeing certification path errors.
Thanks! I was having cert issues with SSL, and the installer was doing things without being able to download the packages and left the install in an odd state.
After updating the keystore and which store the cert was imported into, the install went off without a hitch.