Upload extensions from Nexus

Hi !

I’m trying to set up an offline xwiki. I’m on the right track at the moment but I’m having problems managing extensions from the extension manager in the settings. I can import my extensions into the permanent Directory thanks to this documentation: How to generate a XIP file for an Extension? (XWiki.org)
However I would like to be able to host my extensions on Nexus, for exemple I wanted to know if it was possible to do this via xwiki.properties?

I tried to manipulate the following entries :

# Extension Manager

#-# And here those for "maven" repositories:
#-# * [Since 10.7RC1] checksumPolicy: what to do when checksum validation fail. Possible values are "fail", "warn"
#-#   (the default) and "ignore"
#-# * [Since 13.0RC1] http.headers: Custom HTTP headers to be used when connecting to the maven repository.
#-# Here is an example:
#extension.repositories = local:xwiki:file://home/.m2/repository
#extension.repositories.privatemavenid.auth.user = user
#extension.repositories.privatemavenid.auth.password = password
# extension.repositories.privatemavenid.http.headers.headername = headervalue
#-# Here's an example to add your local Maven Repository
# extension.repositories = maven-local:maven:file://${sys:user.home}/.m2/repository
#-# And an example to add the XWiki Maven Snapshot Repository
# extension.repositories = maven-xwiki-snapshot:maven:https://nexus.xwiki.org/nexus/content/groups/public-snapshots
#-# When not set the following is taken (in this order):
# extension.repositories = maven-xwiki:maven:https://nexus.xwiki.org/nexus/content/groups/public
# extension.repositories = store.xwiki.com:xwiki:https://store.xwiki.com/xwiki/rest/
# extension.repositories = extensions.xwiki.org:xwiki:https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/rest/

but in the case of a repository on the nexus :
extension.repositories = repo-id:maven:https://my_nexus/repository
or with a local repository :
extension.repositories = local:maven:file://home/.m2/repository
I have no logs to investigate.

Thank you in advance for your advice!

I found what I was looking for here https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Installation/FillLocalMavenRepository/.
I wanted to know if it was possible to go further to index the extensions from the remote repository?
I would like to avoid having to use “extended search” from the manager extension.

Out of the box, XWiki currently does not support indexing from maven type repositories, only xwiki ones (so stuff like extensions.xwiki.org, which is based on the Repository Application).

Thank you for your reply