OK, I have xwiki 12.2. So I still need to add this line manually?
Edit XWiki.XWikiUserSheet document and add the following line:
#set($discard = $categories.add({'id':'groups', 'sheet':'XWiki.XWikiUserMembershipSheet', 'glyphicon': 'modal-window'}))`
If yes, so what it means XWiki.XWikiUserSheet ? How to find it? Can you give me sample URL?
Because with fresh xwiki flavor 12.2 I have empty groups info:
Maybe you have some setup issue which break the groups list loading. Would be great if you could check if you have some error in the browser console (you should find that in your browser dev tools).
I don’t see it in that list, it should be something like
<url to your profile>?outputSyntax=plain&transprefix=user.profile.groups.table.&classname=&collist=group&queryFilters=currentlanguage%2Chidden&&sheet=XWiki.XWikiUserMembershipSheet&offset=1&limit=15&reqNo=1&sort=group&dir=asc
I have it with status 200 https://wiki.my-company.com/xwiki/bin/get/XWiki/PaKa?outputSyntax=plain&transprefix=user.profile.groups.table.&classname=&collist=group&queryFilters=currentlanguage%2Chidden&&sheet=XWiki.XWikiUserMembershipSheet&offset=1&limit=15&reqNo=1&sort=group&dir=asc
but Response and Previes are empty
BTW I use fresh 12.2 with flavor 12.2 and OIDC auth.
Nothing more.