Username with dot

Hello Guys,

I setup a xwiki for our company and configured the login to auth over ldap or local.
We have dots in our usernames and XWiki does not support dots in usernames jet (Loading...).
We are willing to sponsor that feature, but the sponsor link is broken.

Is there an easy way to change that?

kind regards
Benjamin Kuhr

Note that the LDAP authenticator has a workaround for it so it’s not an issue with it. Loading... is only for standard XWiki users.

Yes, apparently the sponsor link is not working anymore since they made a change on the site.

If you want to use, the correct link is (and follow the indications).

We are also looking into other funding platforms that might be more active.

Thanks for the quick response.

My question is will it be possible to allow dots in usernames?
Because we want to create local XWiki users with dot in the username.

Hi @benjamin.kuhr If you interested in sponsoring I’d recommend contacting XWiki SAS which does this, see

You can’t create XWiki users with a dot in the name with the standard UI. But the users automatically created by LDAP when they connect can contain a dot in the uid (the LDAP authenticator simply don’t store them with the dot but remember the uid in a object of the user profile).