Using Discourse as commenting tool

Hi there - to discover that the XWiki Forum is a Discourse forum while trying to learn about Discourse integration options as we assess XWiki - that was interesting :slight_smile:

I am posting to confirm that this is possible using a plugin or the JavaScript integration?

Thanks in advance.

XWiki has a simple forum application, see and Forum Application (Pro) - XWiki Store for the pro version.

It depends on your needs.

I don’t know much about Discourse but if it has a REST API then you can call it from XWiki wiki pages or extensions.

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Thanks for the prompt reply. Here is the post at Discourse where they advise how to use it as a commenting tool on another tool:

Our needs are to not have a different discussion mechanisms each time it is needed. We are exploring XWiki for documentation, SuiteCRM for, well, CRM and Open Project for projects and issue tracking.

We’d like Discourse to be what ties them together regarding discussion.

You’ll need to setup SSO. Note that it’s possible to do that between XWiki and Discourse (this is what we have setup on Search for that on this forum and you should find some config for it.

So with some custom skin, you can replace the XWiki comments area with Discourse threads.

FTR I did something similar years ago on my blog but with IntenseDebate, see (it might be a bit old now but the strategy should still work).

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Note that if you’re interested I know that XWiki SAS company offers both custom development work for this kind of things. Another option would be to sponsor a clean extension to implement this and thus give back to this project. XWiki SAS is the main company sponsoring the development of the XWiki open source project. See:


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You’ve given me lots of paths forward - thanks.