Hi I use Macro Video to try to embed our own local video file (attached to the page since I dont know any other efficient way).
This one without reference says:
{{video attachment=“video.mp4”/}}
And these give an error telling me I don’t know how the reference field works.
{{video attachment=“video.mp4” reference=“Main.WebHome”/}}
{{video attachment=“video.mp4” reference=“Main”/}}
Am I able to embed videos with Video Macro?
This is also something confusing me:
You see the syntax showing document or element hierarchy?
Root.subordinate etc.
How do I determine this for my video attachment so I can give the attachment the correct reference string?
is a standalone macro
Depending on where you insert the macro within your content, you may need to leave an empty (without any whitespace) line before and after the video macro call. This makes it a standalone or block (vs. inline when it has content right before / after).
Check the Information tab at the bottom of the page where you attached the video file. There’s a page reference information there. See https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/UserGuide/Features/DocumentLifecycle/#HInformation .
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I went to Information tab and noted:
The video is an attachment to that very page, front page Main.WebHome.
I also added the great videoPoster=“Best_frame.png”
{{video attachment=“video.mp4” videoPoster=“Best_frame.png” reference=“Main.WebHome”/}}
And works perfectly. Thank you