What's new page

XWiki 12.10.3
I want to create a what’s new page that lists recent articles. I found this snippet - Alternate Whats New (Extension.Alternate Whats New) - XWiki

It refers to a “Whats new page” and it also says that “The Main.WhatsNew page has been removed and is now replaced by the Main.Activity page since XWiki >= 2.6.”

Should these pages already exist? I can’t find either.

I thought that I need to create a new page and paste in the code snippet but are the above comments suggesting that I should be working in some existing page. Or has this also been replaced with some better built-in feature?

What’s the best practise for creating a what’s new page?

You could use the panels that are part of the default install for this.

Panels of interest could be:

Panels.Recently Modified
Panels.Recently Created

our can can create your own

I copied the panel code into my “what’s new” page - seems to work OK. Thanks

Well, this works too.

Just out of curiosity / getting new ideas:

Any particular reason you are not using pannels? Or are you using the pannels for other purposes?

Thank you