Hi! When I save a page , but it throw a exception few times.
And I refresh the page ,it is save actually.
I don’t not what happen on XWiki.
We have another user who reported this on this forum. Need to find link.
Hello @wuguokai,
Please, tell us a bit more about your environment:
- XWiki version
- Servlet container
- Database
- OS
It would also be nice if you could give us the steps in order to reproduce your issue.
XWiki version : 10.4(use docker image xwiki:10.4-mysql-tomcat)
Servlet container : Apache Tomcat/8.5.31 (in docker container)
Database : Mysql 5.7
OS : CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
@wuguokai I cannot reproduce your issue. I’m using the same docker images, and mysql but not the same OS. Does your issue still happens? If yes, how exactly?
Thank you for your hard !
It happens infrequently. I also don’t know what it cause . And it didn’t happen in days.
Next time ,I will try to gather more information.