Where is advanced syntax of discourse documented?

To display a nice post on this forum, I’m looking for the disourve syntax to display some pieces of code HTML or Js code well formated with colors or add a direct link to another post on this forum (without the full URL).
It seem I can I can use Markdow or BBCode syntax? Could you add a link in the FAQ https://forum.xwiki.org/faq?


Pascal B

What link do you wish to add? If you find it I can add to the FAQ. IMO this should be something requested to Discourse itself :slight_smile:

Example of HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>


Internal links: Internal Link Shortcuts - feature - Discourse Meta

Tip: To view the raw content of a post, use /raw/ instead of /t/ in the url and remove the title, keeping only the id.

For example, use:


instead of:

Discourse cheat sheet: Discourse Cheat Sheet - Community - SitePoint Forums | Web Development & Design Community
Markdown cheat sheet: Learn markdown in Y Minutes