As shown in figure :
Attachment are stored in the “permanent directory” usually configured in
. Disappearing attachments often means the permanent directory is not located in a very permanent place in your case.
What error do you get when you try to delete them ?
Also which version of XWiki is that ?
At the beginning, I found that my attachment was missing.
At the beginning, I found that my attachment was missing. Before the attachment was lost, I may have modified the name of the relevant document.(for example: change from centos 7.4 installation to centos_7.4 installation configuration.)
Then there was an error. My document attachment was missing, which forced me to upload it again.
Tomcat log is as follows:
ERROR ttachmentSolrMetadataExtractor - Failed to retrieve the content of attachment [attachment xwiki: 01 - operations teams. The system deployment scheme. The basic installation manual. Nginx _1 . 14 . 2 _ in Centos 7 . 4 compiler installed - to be done. The WebHome @ CentosNginx_html_c21f07c4baaf4a3e. PNG]
Com. XPN. Xwiki. XWikiException: Error number 3231 in 3:Nginx 1.14.2 Centos 7.4 compile and install -To be done.WebHome @centos 7 compile and install nginx_html_c21f07c4baaf4a3e.png
At com. XPN. Xwiki. Store. XWikiHibernateAttachmentStore. LoadAttachmentContent (XWikiHibernateAttachmentStore. Java: 260)
At com. XPN. Xwiki. Doc. XWikiAttachment. LoadAttachmentContent (XWikiAttachment. Java: 1070)
At com. XPN. Xwiki. Doc. XWikiAttachment. ReloadAttachmentContent (XWikiAttachment. Java: 890)
At com. XPN. Xwiki. Doc. XWikiAttachment. GetContentInputStream (XWikiAttachment. Java: 868)
The at org. Xwiki. Search. Solr. Internal. Metadata. AbstractSolrMetadataExtractor. GetContentAsText (AbstractSolrMetadataExtractor. Java: 506)
The at org. Xwiki. Search. Solr. Internal. Metadata. AttachmentSolrMetadataExtractor. SetLocaleAndContentFields (AttachmentSolrMetadataExtractor. Java: 111)
The at org. Xwiki. Search. Solr. Internal. Metadata. AttachmentSolrMetadataExtractor. SetFieldsInternal (AttachmentSolrMetadataExtractor. Java: 93)
The at org. Xwiki. Search. Solr. Internal. Metadata. AbstractSolrMetadataExtractor. GetSolrDocument (AbstractSolrMetadataExtractor. Java: 133)
The at org. Xwiki. Search. Solr. Internal. DefaultSolrIndexer. GetSolrDocument (DefaultSolrIndexer. Java: 504)
The at org. Xwiki. Search. Solr. Internal. DefaultSolrIndexer. ProcessBatch (DefaultSolrIndexer. Java: 411)
The at org. Xwiki. Search. Solr. Internal. DefaultSolrIndexer. Run (DefaultSolrIndexer. Java: 377)
The at Java. Lang. Thread. The run (Thread. Java: 748)
Under Caused by: org. Hibernate. ObjectNotFoundException: No row with the given identifier exists: [. Com. XPN xwiki. Doc. XWikiAttachmentContent# 1962241617]
The at org. Hibernate. Impl. SessionFactoryImpl $2. HandleEntityNotFound (SessionFactoryImpl. Java: 435)
The at org. Hibernate. Event. Def. DefaultLoadEventListener. Load (DefaultLoadEventListener. Java: 233)
The at org. Hibernate. Event. Def. DefaultLoadEventListener. ProxyOrLoad (DefaultLoadEventListener. Java: 285)
The at org. Hibernate. Event. Def. DefaultLoadEventListener. OnLoad (DefaultLoadEventListener. Java: 152)
The at org. Hibernate. Impl. SessionImpl. FireLoad (SessionImpl. Java: 1090)
The at org. Hibernate. Impl. SessionImpl. Load (SessionImpl. Java: 974)
At com. XPN. Xwiki. Store. XWikiHibernateAttachmentStore. LoadAttachmentContent (XWikiHibernateAttachmentStore. Java: 247)
.11 common frames omitted
Now, I by modifying storage. Attachment. Recyclebin = 0 have removed the error display attachments, but I don’t know, whether there will be changes document title lead to the condition of the missing accessories
In addition, I also found that after modifying the title of the document, some document attachments would appear in other documents, and I used Chinese