We are a non-profit organization that helps design and build footbridges with communities and need across the globe. We wish to have an XWiki install to organize all of the informations relating to the bridges we build.
Howdy @tmortagne it apprears I have hit a wrong button and I’m pretty sure I now just broke the XWiki you had set up. Could you please reset it to the default, no content, as you had set it up before?
I am having trouble gaining access as it says neither of my usernames (dale0007 or sbura) exist. Could you please delete and then recreate the wiki? I think this will solve our problems.
The owner user you gave is not stored on your wiki so resetting it won’t change anything. I can see the user still exist on, if you don’t remember password you can ask to change it (if the email you gave back then is still accurate).