Will there be a ChatBOT for XWiki in the future?

Hello all,

we are currently looking for a new/alternative knowledge management system. One important point is the topic of self-service for citizens. Unfortunately, research on the internet has not yielded anything concrete, so I’d like to ask the comminity directly: Will there be an (intelligent) ChatBot for XWiki in the foreseeable future? Or are there already projects in which a chat bot has been integrated?

We are very grateful for any information,

Hello, there’s an experimental extension being worked on, see LLM Application (XWiki.org)

Now, maybe you could explain what you mean by an intelligent chat bot and what features you have in mind?

Hello, in principle, by “intelligent” ChatBot we mean the following (as an example):

If a citizen types the following into the ChatBot: “I would like to deregister my car”, information on this should be provided directly from XWiki.

Or if the citizen asks the question: “When will my rubbish be collected?” the ChatBot should ask for which street and which town.

This is how we imagine an “intelligent” ChatBot. Not just a “keyword search engine”.

Thank you, Andreas

So if I summarize, you’d like to be able to use a chat so that users can type questions about the content located in wiki pages. In other words, you’d like a LLM trained on data found in wiki pages. Right?

Note that XWiki SAS is starting to work on such a project, see https://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/X-AI/WAISE/

This project should start in early September and I’d say you should be able to see usable results around the end of the year probably.

Hope it helps

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Yes, that´s it. That would be very cool.

Thanks so much,

Yes, exactly. That would be awesome.

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I’m on board for this being an amazing functionality.

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Thanks for the info. Can you name a few ChatBOTs that have connected customers via API? Thanks.

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Regarding a chatbot, you could give https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/LLM%20Application/ a try.