XAR export in command line


I am using a Xwiki 7.4.4 release on en Debian server with POstgresql.
Last year I tried to migrate to a 8 release, without success due to dependencies incomplete with Java and Tomcat.
THis year I proceed in another way : a temporary brand new Debian server with last version and installing the last Xwiki stable release.
THis is OK.

Now I Have to import pages.
I saw that the idea is to export with the browser into a Xar file and import on the new server.
My servers do not have GUI, all is done by command lines and I know that a backup is over 3 Gb.

Is it possible to export the XAR file directly by command line on the server with xwiki 7.4.4 ?



Hi Stéphane,

Make sure you read http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Upgrade and especially http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Upgrade#HUpgradingwikidocuments . As indicated there, for upgrading the wiki pages the recommended way is through the Distribution Wizard. Basically you configure the new XWiki instance (WAR) to use the existing (Postgresql) database. Then when you access the new instance in the browser a wizard will guide you through the upgrade. See http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/DistributionWizard#HUpgrade .

Hope this helps,

Hello Marius,

I saw the first document, and print some other ones but miss the :slight_smile: See http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/DistributionWizard#HUpgrade .

THanks a lot, I read it and will try

Hello All,

THe migration is OK.
To complete the documentation for this kind of migration I will just add :slight_smile:

  1. Stop Tomcat
  2. Drop xwiki database
  3. Create brand new one xwiki database
  4. load the backup
  5. start tomcat
  6. run browser.

I just only have to recreate the fast access box and the default nmenu.

THanks a lot.
A lot of easier compared to the debian and dependencies update on the same server.

Actually this is much harder and a lot more error prone (and you’ll loose some data), see http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Backup#HUsingtheXWikiExportfeature