Xwiki 11.3 to 11.6.1 upgrade fail [almost solved]

I’ve gone to the main wiki and the distribution wizard is ready to run.

No idea why those are broken (maybe some weird network issue). You should probably delete the folder of each of those and reinstall them.

It looks like my initial problem was not deleting the solr directory.

The distribution wizard is now running correctly for the subwikis and the macros are no longer showing errors on the pages. Thank you for that.

Do you have any suggestions where I could find those jar files to download again? From a maven repository somewhere?

(I think I may have seen an error message during the upgrade about a non responsive repository somewhere, but I stupidly didn’t capture the information before I lost it from my terminal scroll buffer)

Hmm actually there is something very weird in the name of that extension (and the others), the :${os.detected.name}-${os.detected.arch} part. No idea how they ended up there. I would just delete the folder of those extensions and see if you have some warning at startup related to invalid extensions. None of those are dependencies of the standard flavor.

sounds like a plan.

I’ve removed those directories, and done a fresh stop/start of tomcat8

I see the following warning:

2019-08-26 20:13:18,503 [localhost-startStop-1] WARN  ltInstalledExtensionRepository - Invalid extension [io.netty:netty-example/4.1.39.Final] on namespace [wiki:xwiki] (InvalidExtensionException: No compatible extension is installed for dependency [io.netty:netty-tcnative:${os.detected.classifier}-2.0.25.Final])

Is there an easy way to find out which extension may be requesting this?

Next, I access the main instance of the wiki. During the initialization, I get the following errors:

2019-08-26 20:15:03,146 [XWiki Scheduler initialization] ERROR c.x.x.p.s.SchedulerPlugin      - Failed to restore job with in document [xwiki:Scheduler.WatchListHourlyNotifier] and wiki [xwiki]
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPluginException: Error number 90006 in 5: Exception in plugin [com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin]: Error while loading job class for job : WatchList hourly notifier
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.scheduleJob(SchedulerPlugin.java:426)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.register(SchedulerPlugin.java:316)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.register(SchedulerPlugin.java:309)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.restoreExistingJobs(SchedulerPlugin.java:294)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.initAsync(SchedulerPlugin.java:168)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.access$000(SchedulerPlugin.java:80)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin$1.run(SchedulerPlugin.java:127)
	at org.xwiki.context.concurrent.ExecutionContextRunnable.run(ExecutionContextRunnable.java:70)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.xwiki.watchlist.internal.job.WatchListJob
	at org.xwiki.classloader.URIClassLoader$1.run(URIClassLoader.java:193)
	at org.xwiki.classloader.URIClassLoader$1.run(URIClassLoader.java:180)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at org.xwiki.classloader.URIClassLoader.findClass(URIClassLoader.java:179)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)
	at org.xwiki.classloader.xwiki.internal.ContextNamespaceURLClassLoader.loadClass(ContextNamespaceURLClassLoader.java:176)
	at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
	at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:348)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.scheduleJob(SchedulerPlugin.java:361)
	... 8 common frames omitted
2019-08-26 20:15:05,978 [XWiki Scheduler initialization] ERROR c.x.x.p.s.SchedulerPlugin      - Failed to restore job with in document [xwiki:Scheduler.WatchListWeeklyNotifier] and wiki [xwiki]
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPluginException: Error number 90006 in 5: Exception in plugin [com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin]: Error while loading job class for job : WatchList weekly notifier
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.scheduleJob(SchedulerPlugin.java:426)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.register(SchedulerPlugin.java:316)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.register(SchedulerPlugin.java:309)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.restoreExistingJobs(SchedulerPlugin.java:294)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.initAsync(SchedulerPlugin.java:168)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.access$000(SchedulerPlugin.java:80)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin$1.run(SchedulerPlugin.java:127)
	at org.xwiki.context.concurrent.ExecutionContextRunnable.run(ExecutionContextRunnable.java:70)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.xwiki.watchlist.internal.job.WatchListJob
	at org.xwiki.classloader.URIClassLoader$1.run(URIClassLoader.java:193)
	at org.xwiki.classloader.URIClassLoader$1.run(URIClassLoader.java:180)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at org.xwiki.classloader.URIClassLoader.findClass(URIClassLoader.java:179)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)
	at org.xwiki.classloader.xwiki.internal.ContextNamespaceURLClassLoader.loadClass(ContextNamespaceURLClassLoader.java:176)
	at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
	at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:348)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.scheduleJob(SchedulerPlugin.java:361)
	... 8 common frames omitted
2019-08-26 20:15:06,023 [XWiki Scheduler initialization] ERROR c.x.x.p.s.SchedulerPlugin      - Failed to restore job with in document [xwiki:Scheduler.WatchListDailyNotifier] and wiki [xwiki]
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPluginException: Error number 90006 in 5: Exception in plugin [com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin]: Error while loading job class for job : WatchList daily notifier
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.scheduleJob(SchedulerPlugin.java:426)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.register(SchedulerPlugin.java:316)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.register(SchedulerPlugin.java:309)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.restoreExistingJobs(SchedulerPlugin.java:294)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.initAsync(SchedulerPlugin.java:168)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.access$000(SchedulerPlugin.java:80)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin$1.run(SchedulerPlugin.java:127)
	at org.xwiki.context.concurrent.ExecutionContextRunnable.run(ExecutionContextRunnable.java:70)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.xwiki.watchlist.internal.job.WatchListJob
	at org.xwiki.classloader.URIClassLoader$1.run(URIClassLoader.java:193)
	at org.xwiki.classloader.URIClassLoader$1.run(URIClassLoader.java:180)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at org.xwiki.classloader.URIClassLoader.findClass(URIClassLoader.java:179)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)
	at org.xwiki.classloader.xwiki.internal.ContextNamespaceURLClassLoader.loadClass(ContextNamespaceURLClassLoader.java:176)
	at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
	at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:348)
	at com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin.scheduleJob(SchedulerPlugin.java:361)
	... 8 common frames omitted

Key words in the above errors:

Error number 90006 in 5: Exception in plugin [com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin]: Error while loading job class for job : WatchList hourly notifier
Error number 90006 in 5: Exception in plugin [com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin]: Error while loading job class for job : WatchList weekly notifier
Error number 90006 in 5: Exception in plugin [com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.scheduler.SchedulerPlugin]: Error while loading job class for job : WatchList daily notifier

I don’t recall seeing this error before.

The requesting extension is io.netty:netty-example but no idea why you have io.netty:netty-example in the first place. But this is interesting, creating a jira issue about that weird dependency handling of io.netty:netty-example in Extension Manager. It’s possible netty-example came as a dependency of some extension that you don’t have anymore so you should probably just uninstall it in EM UI.

This suggest you installed the watchlist extension which restored the watchlist schedulers but it should actually be uninstalled (and the watchlist schedulers be deleted).

Weird. The netty packages were installed as a dependancy of “Apache Hadoop HDFS”. How in heck that extension got installed, I have no idea. Removing them now.

I did have watchlist installed before, but I removed it an upgrade or two ago. I’ll see if I can find any residual stuff lying around in the extensions.

root@wiki:/var/lib/xwiki/data# locate *.jar |grep xwiki|grep watch

And there we go. The extension seems to be installed, but searching for “watchlist” in the extension manager for installed extensions of all the wikis and subwikis turns up nothing. I think I’ll just remove those two watchlist jar files.

What a trip down the rabbit hole today!

edit: and any other watchlist related files.

How do I delete the schedulers? I’m not sure where to find them.

edit: wait, found it, under Applications, Scheduler

Ok, last problem I hope.

My wiki is behind an nginx ssl proxy. Prior to today’s upgrade, it was working perfectly.

After the upgrade, some of the external links are being written incorrectly, but only for the panels

For example, subwiki 1:
you can see that the url for the “more applications” link has a https://server:80/ in the url. However the links on the page are written correctly without the :80 added.

not only are the links incorrect, but the image properties for the thumbnails are written as https://server:80/

main wiki: same as subwiki 2, although the links within the pages of the wiki’s themselves appear fine.

Another example from subwiki 2: The dashboard link under application on the right is correct, but the left has the https://server:80/ written for the image and for the link.


Actually the issue is not even the wrong port, it should be a local URL in the HTML (it should start at /xwiki which would make the browser complete it with the host you have in the address bar).

I see this is a subwiki, do you have the same issue on the main wiki with this panel ?

Could you go to Panels.Applications page and see if the current version is the standard one (compare version first line in the history and second line).

Yes, the main wiki has the same issue as the subwikis

The history panels for the subwikis show that the panels app is the current version

I’ve updated to 11.7. I still have the same issue with the links in the panels pointing to the wrong url.

Any idea where I can look to debug this?

Well you screenshot does not really show that. You tried the diff, right ?

If the page is right then there is something special with your setup that I cannot reproduce it seems.

Could you get the exactly HTML you have for those links to be sure.

Well you screenshot does not really show that. You tried the diff, right ?

As in the “Compare Versions” button? No, I didn’t. Here is the result of that:
Is this what you were looking to see?

Could you get the exactly HTML you have for those links to be sure.

Here is the html: Weird. The wiki is behind an nginx ssl reverse proxy which passes the requests back to the wiki server via http using the .com domain

<a class="applicationPanelMoreButton" href="https://wiki.charltonslaw.local:80/xwiki/wiki/it/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences?editor=globaladmin&amp;section=XWiki.AddExtensions" title="More applications">
<span class="application-img"><img alt="Icon" src="https://wiki.charltonslaw.local:80/xwiki/resources/icons/silk/add.png?cache-version=1566851295000"></span>
<span class="application-label">More applications</span>

So the panel links are being written weirdly, but all other internal reference links on the pages are all correct.

If the page is right then there is something special with your setup that I cannot reproduce it seems.

Hmm… possibly. Would it be better to do a fresh installation of xwiki from the latest version, and then restore an export of the existing wiki?

Was that on the main wiki or the subwiki ?

I don’t thinks so. As a workaround while searching why you have absolute URLs what you could check is what you have in the wiki descriptor of the main wiki (http://myhost/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/XWikiServerXwiki) and make sure the port is empty and not ‘80’ (which would explain why you have this port) and also make sure the it’s configured for SSL (“secure”).

Do you have anything related to URLs configured in xwiki.cfg ?

Was that on the main wiki or the subwiki ?

yes to all. Same.

and make sure the port is empty and not ‘80’ (which would explain why you have this port) and also make sure the it’s configured for SSL (“secure”).

Already checked. ssl enabled and no port configured. Changing the ssl setting to non ssl makes no difference. Changing the port to something else also makes no difference in the urls. (in another browser, I deleted the cache and force reloaded the page)

Do you have anything related to URLs configured in xwiki.cfg ?

Absolutely no urls configured in xwiki.cfg at all.

This is weird.

I’m going to configure my machine to access the wiki directly, rather than go through the proxy just to see if that makes some kind of difference.

Nope. Something, somewhere is inserting a https://myserver.local:80/ into the url.

I’m really beginning to think I should do a clean installation, and then export/import the old wiki to the new one.

Well, I still don’t know why the urls were being written incorrectly after 11.3 to 11.6.1 upgrade.

I reinstalled the xwiki software, but that made no difference - so it wasn’t a problem with the installation files.

I’ve uninstalled as many unneeded extensions as I could (some weird ones got in there, don’t know how)

I found that setting the xwiki.home and xwiki.url.protocol properties fixed some of the urls, but not all.

Finally, I used the nginx reverse proxy to rewrite any of the offending urls to their proper format on the fly. Annoying, but that’s the only solution I have until I make a brand new wiki installation and migrate everything to it.